The Paulettes – Maybe You’ll Find Some in the Garbage
We are back again, and this time with more of our Weird Paul cover band, The Paulettes. You see, Jerry and I wanted to mess around with mattes in Premiere.…

Lost Dorks Minecraft – Play with us on the LIVE stream!
Guess what? If you are reading this then we want you to play Minecraft with us. Well, at least we do this coming Thursday (September 15th, 2016). Starting at around…

Reverse Fishing with your pal, JERRY!
Oh crap! I totally forgot that I published this video. This is massive oversight because not only is this the realistic Minecraft episode in which we invent reverse fishing, it's…

Rufus and Mercurial Magic – RPG Adventures in Nerdery (Dungeon Crawl Classics)
You know, if I could just focus on one thing, I bet I'd be pretty decent at it. Sadly, that's never been the case for me. On the plus side,…

Who’s Better? – Beer and Board Games
Howdy gang. So, this is going to be a longer post. I've mainly been treating this site like as a place to organize our videos and present them to you…

Duet – one flair too many?
Like all good things in life, you can, in fact, have too much Ric Flair. But, that doesn't mean you can walk right up to the edge of the cliff…

Duet Outtakes and Blackmail Commercial
Here we answer the question of why it takes us so damn long to release new videos. IT'S JERRY!

Chore WARS!
You guys remember when you were first able to play video games in school? You know, they marched you all into the computer lab and you shared an Apple IIe…